Quirky Confessions from Madam Coco

All writers believe that their creations are blog worthy, book worthy, worthy of prizes and nominations. We write and rewrite ad nauseum.
We think, "That's perfect!"
Then, if we are lucky, we read it aloud to an audience of peers, or maybe long-suffering friends and relatives. And let's not forget the occasional stranger who, when they learn you write, exclaims, "I'd love to read your work!"
I mean, if you just happen to have the latest brilliance in your bag or pocket, why not treat them to an impromptu reading?
Never mind that they now look a bit panicked, they'll come 'round. We await their laughter or nodding or sympathetic tears, maybe even applause. And we might hear that applause, but then we also notice their puzzled expression.
"I was confused there; what happened?" or "I wonder if you really meant to say "....". " Who was that person?" And you realize that of course it needs some clarification and yes you did mean "accept," not "except."
And not only that, but they might suggest that you take a writing course. Which is good advice, because you've never really done that, but still...don't they recognize genius when they hear it?